Thulin family car in front of the third Willows Hotel

Thulin family car in front of the third Willows Hotel

Thulin family car in front of the third Willows Hotel

The Willows Hotel and Charles Thulin's first car, a Ford. Left to right (on balcony): Genevieve McDonald, Mrs. McDonald, Mr. McDonald (hotel manager), Unknown, Jack Glanvelle (manager of Thulin store), and the first constable stationed in Campbell River. Left to right (front porch): Traveller for Gault Co., Misses Elin and Anna Thulin, Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson, a surveyor, Mrs. Charles Thulin, Charles Thulin, Walter Spencer (telegraph agent), Carl O. Thulin, and Clarence Bradley. Bottom (by automobile): Mr. Hardy (who worked in the store and post office) and Dr. Jamieson.

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